Manipulation Quotes in Beneath a Marble Sky

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I shook my head vigorously, for everything was finally as it should be. I'd send Ladli south, with Nizam.


"You won't go alone. I know someone, the stoutest of all warriors and the kindest of men. He's been there many times. He'll guide you safely."


As we hugged again, I whispered to her of where and when to meet Nizam. Naturally, I made no mention of his name, for I wanted my friends to be surprised. I'd tell Nizam tonight of my plan, and he'd rejoice tomorrow upon discovering that Ladli was to be his traveling companion. (23.136;140;164)

Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match…find me a find…catch me a catch.

We've got a question, though. This is an escape plan for Ladli, and the lives of Jahanara's family members depend on this plan working. So why would she risk a miscommunication between Ladli and Nizam? Wouldn't you make every possible effort to eliminate risks, such as, oh, we don't know, telling them they know the person they're supposed to meet?

Quote #11

"Do you remember…the golden ring?" When he nodded, I continued reluctantly. "It was my lord's idea that I pretend to steal it."


"It was right after I discovered that Ladli had betrayed me by becoming your companion."

"She lies!" Khondamir screamed.


"It was my husband's idea that I tell Ladli I stole his ring. He thought she might tell you. And he knew you hate me." (23.74,83)

In her final coup de grace, Jahanara manages to get her brother to kill her disgusting husband, and removes herself as a target in one fell swoop of the sword. (No pun intended.) (Okay, actually, yeah, we intended that one.)