Beetlejuice Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beetlejuice.

Quote #4

BARBARA: Can't see you, right?

ADAM: Uh-uh.

BARBARA: In the book: "Rule Number Two: the living usually won't see the dead."

ADAM: "Won't" or "can't"?

BARBARA: It just says, "won't." God, this book is so stupid. I can't understand anything in it.

ADAM: Barb, honey, we're dead. I don't think we have very much to worry about anymore.

You'd think that this is what death means, right? You die and your problems are over. But death is just the start of Adam and Barbara's troubles.

Quote #5

MISS ARGENTINA: You don't have an appointment, do you?

ADAM: Well, didn't know how to make one.

BARBARA: Appointment for what?

MISS ARGENTINA: What do you want?

BARBARA: We need some help.

MISS ARGENTINA: Ha! Already? Just bit the big one two months ago and you want help.

ADAM: Two months. What does that have to do with anything?

MISS ARGENTINA: You're gonna use up all your help vouchers: D-90s. You spend 125 years on earth actually in that house during which you get only three class-one D-90 intercessions with Juno. You probably haven't read through the manual completely yet. You'll have to wait if you don't have an appointment.

ADAM: An appointment with whom?

MISS ARGENTINA: For Juno, your caseworker.

This is one of the most depressing (and hilarious scenes) in the whole movie. The Maitlands arrive in the afterlife and find out that it's one big bureaucracy. Not so different from real life after all.

Quote #6

BARBARA: Adam, is this what happens when you die?

MISS ARGENTINA: This is what happens when you die. That is what happens when he dies. And that is what happens when they die. It's all very personal. And I'll tell you something—if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have had my little accident.

Miss Argentina probably would have wanted to die in a way she could still look glamorous. That makes us wonder—why don't Adam and Barbara look more like people who drowned? Shouldn't they be a little blue at least?