Because of Winn-Dixie Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Number ten," he said with a long sigh, "number ten, is that your mama loved you. She loved you very much."

"But she left me," I told him. (4.18-19)

But if she loved Opal so much, what would cause her to leave? Or is the preacher wrong? Or just trying to make Opal feel better? Whew. No wonder Opal is confused.

Quote #5

Winn-Dixie's bald spots started growing fur, and the fur that he had to begin with started looking shiny and healthy; and he didn't limp anymore. And you could tell that he was proud of looking so good, proud of not looking like a stray. (8.1)

It's amazing what a little love can do to someone, animal or human. It's like a facelift for the soul—and the body. (Or coat.)

Quote #6

I held on to him and comforted him and whispered to him and rocked him, just the same way he tried to comfort Miss Franny when she had her fits. (15.3)

Winn-Dixie teaches Opal how to protect him by the way he protects Miss Franny. Everyone needs a little love sometimes, even the ones who do most of the loving.