Because of Winn-Dixie Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You don't have any family and neither do I. [...] So we're almost like orphans." (3.2)

Poor Opal. She feels so alone that she thinks of herself as an orphan. Technically, she does have a father, but he's so far gone into his own mind, he doesn't really count. And with her mother gone for seven years, she's pretty much on her own. Sniff.

Quote #5

"I've been talking to him and he agreed with me that, since I'm ten years old, you should tell me ten things about my mama. Just ten things, that's all." (3.25)

The preacher hasn't told Opal one thing about her mother, so it's no wonder her mom has become a beautiful ghost haunting the back of Opal's mind. No wonder she hopes desperately for her to come back. In her loneliness, Opal creates an image of who she thinks her mother was. It's high time she finds out more about who she truly was—good and bad.

Quote #6

"I gotta go home and tell my mama about what I seen. I live right down there. In that yellow house. That's my mama on the porch. You see her? She's waving at you." (12.30)

Sweetie Pie's innocence is so darn cute and precisely what Opal wishes she could have. Unfortunately, life has forced Opal to let go of some of the innocence she craves, especially when it comes to a relationship with her mother.