Because of Winn-Dixie Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I could feel her listening with her whole heart, and it felt good. (10.3)

Okay, gross mental image aside, it's interesting that Opal says Gloria was listening with her whole heart, not both her ears. What does that mean? What is the difference between listening with your ears and listening with your heart?

Quote #5

I swear, it about wore me out yelling at Dunlap and Stevie Dewberry every day; by the time I got to Gloria Dump's yard, I felt like a soldier who had been fighting a hard battle. (13.10)

While Opal is a sweet kid who wants to help others, she definitely has some sass. She's not going to let those stupid boys make fun of her without a fight. She and Scout Finch would so be BFFs. But here's the thing. She spends every day serving all her new friends, but what tires her out most are the few minutes she spends yelling at the Dewberrys. There may be a lesson in there somewhere.

Quote #6

I was just getting ready to stick my tongue out at them; but then I thought about what Miss Franny said, about war being hell, and I thought about what Gloria Dump said, about not judging them too hard. And so I just waved instead. (17.36)

Opal decides to listen to the wisdom of her friends before she responds to the boys. As difficult as it is to smother her urge to attack them with words or fists (or at least a well-aimed spitball), she decides to turn the tables. And wave. WHAT?! And yet, it works.