Because of Winn-Dixie Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I wanted to know those ten things inside and out. That way, if my mama ever came back, I could recognize her, and I would be able to grab her and hold on to her tight and not let her get away from me again. (4.22)

Sounds like Opal feels somehow responsible for her mother leaving. Like if she'd only held on a little tighter, she wouldn't have left. Look, Opal, if we're sure of one thing, it's that no three-year-old little girl is responsible for her mother abandoning her.

Quote #5

"He just doesn't want to be left alone," I told the preacher. "That's all. Let's take him with us." I could understand the way Winn-Dixie felt. Getting left behind probably made his heart feel empty. (5.2)

How many times does Opal talk about her "empty heart"? We know it's a lot. Did her mother take a piece of her daughter's heart with her? Or would Opal's heart be filled if the preacher acted like a daddy should? Or does everyone have a heart that's just a little bit empty?

Quote #6

"He might run away. We have to make sure we keep him safe." […] I loved him for putting his arm around Winn-Dixie like that, like he was already trying to keep him safe. (11.26-27)

Both Opal and the preacher worry a lot about those in their care. Opal always wants to protect her friends as well as Winn-Dixie. The preacher cares for the people in his congregation and can't even bring himself to kill a mouse in the church. For that matter, neither can Winn-Dixie. Looks like he found the perfect family.