The Supernatural Quotes in Beautiful Creatures

How we cite our quotes: (Date.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"We can all do simple things like move objects, but each Caster also has more specific abilities related to their gifts." (10.09[2].31)

Beautiful Creatures is the first book in a series called The Caster Chronicles, and there sure is a lot of magic crackling off these pages. For a detailed look at each of Lena's family member's gifts, check out their "Character Analysis" pages.

Quote #8

[Ivy] read cards and tea leaves, and Genevieve's mother consulted Ivy and her tea leaves for almost everything, the best day to plant her vegetables to avoid a freeze, the right herbs to cure a cold. (10.13.179)

Mortals like Ivy and Amma have their own kind of magic—reading cards, bones, tea leaves—and other people look to them for guidance. Do you know anyone like this outside the world of Beautiful Creatures?

Quote #9

Maybe magic wasn't the magic thing, when you grew up with it. (12.13.63)

That's the funny thing about the supernatural—it's just different. If you're the magic one, you don't see anything strange about it. In fact, what is real to everyone else might be what's supernatural to you.