The Bald Soprano Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Donald M. Allen's translation.

Quote #7

Fire Chief: "Shall I tell you some stories?"
Mrs. Smith: "Oh, by all means, how charming of you."
Stage Direction: [She kisses him.] (335-336)

Wait…so, Mrs. Smith wouldn't kiss her husband before, but she seems to have no problem planting one on the Fire Chief. What do you think this might say about the Smiths' isolation from each other?

Quote #8

Mrs. Smith: " Once upon a time, a fiancé gave a bouquet of flowers to his fiancée, […] he, without saying a single word, took back the flowers he had given her in order to teach her a good lesson" (375)

The fiancé in the story gives his bride-to-be some flowers then takes them back for no reason at all. We think there might just be a pretty cynical view of love buried in this little tale. What do you think Mrs. Smith's story might be saying about human isolation?

Quote #9

Fire Chief: "It was she [Mary] who extinguished my first fires."
Mary: "I'm your little firehose." (436-437)

Here we have another seemingly happy reunion. The Fire Chief and Mary have found each other again after all these years. Notice, though, that later on in the scene the Fire Chief makes no effort to help Mary as the Smiths push her offstage. Also, as far as we know, he doesn't try to see her again before she leaves. It's quite possible the play is satirizing love affairs in general with the Fire Chief and Mary's relationship. What's your opinion? Is love powerful enough to bridge the gap between all people?