The Bacchae Resources

This page provides a good overview of Aristotle's thoughts on tragedy. Interestingly, Aristotle thought that Euripides's work didn't measure up.

Click here for a great bio on Euripides.
Movie or TV Productions

Here's a 2002 movie version.

This is a 1993 TV version directed by the famous Ingmar Bergman.
Historical Documents

Read what Aristotle had to say about tragedy.

A review of the National Theatre of Scotland's production.

An announcement the most recent NY production directed by Joann Akalaitis.

Here's video of the opening scenes of the play.

Here's a classic image of Pentheus's dismemberment at the hands of the Maenads.

Looks like the Greeks had pretty morbid taste in dinnerware.

Here's an image of the famous actor Alan Cumming staring in The Bacchae.

Here's an image showing Dionysus in his bovine form.