Babylon Revisited Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

At five he took a taxi and bought presents for all the Peters – a piquant cloth doll, a box of Roman soldiers, flowers for Marion, big linen handkerchiefs for Lincoln. (4.15)

Charlie just had a conversation with Lincoln about how resentful Marion was of his wealth, since she and Lincoln have always lived (relatively) frugal lives. Why, then, does he choose to flaunt his money this way?

Quote #5

"I heard that you lost a lot in the crash."

"I did," and he added grimly, "but I lost everything I wanted in the boom." (5.4-5)

This quote raises the question of the different kinds of wealth we see in "Babylon Revisited" and the different losses that follow. Charlie lost his financial wealth in the crash, but he lost his emotional wealth in the boom, in the sense that he destroyed his marriage and his relationship with his daughter.

Quote #6

"Marion's sick," Lincoln answered shortly. "I know this thing isn't altogether your fault, but I can't have her go to pieces about it. I'm afraid we'll have to let it slide for six months; I can't take the chance of working her up to this state again."

"I see."

"I'm sorry, Charlie." (5.12-14)

We might see Charlie's estrangement from Honoria as payment for his past sins. By not getting his daughter back, he might have fully atoned for his sins.