Babbitt Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Damn soft hands—like a woman's. Aah!" (22.1.26)

In times of self-doubt, Babbitt likes to reassure himself by thinking about what a manly man he is. During these times, he'll even get obsessed by the appearance of his hands, which sometimes look too girlish in his eyes. That's what you call insecurity, folks.

Quote #8

If he could but take up a backwoods claim with a man like Joe, work hard with his hands, be free and noisy in a flannel shirt, and never come back to this dull decency! (25.3.4)

When regular life gets too boring, Babbitt often dreams of going out into the woods and proving to himself how much of a man he is by living in the forest and hunting for his food. And even though he actually does this, he inevitably comes crawling back to his regular life and his regular job.

Quote #9

Or, like a trapper in a Northern Canada movie, plunge through the forest, make camp in the Rockies, a grim and wordless caveman! (25.3.5)

Babbitt likes to imagine himself as some sort of woodsy tough guy who can survive in the harshest of situations with nothing to help him but his strength and intelligence. He basically wants to become Survivorman in order to prove to himself what a worthy person he is.