Babbitt Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The cocktail filled him with a whirling exhilaration behind which he was aware of devastating desires—to rush places in fast motors, to kiss girls, to sing, to be witty. (8.2.53)

As soon as alcohol hits his lips, Babbitt can feel himself craving speed and excitement. He wants to act like he's young and beautiful all of a sudden. Unfortunately, this escape from reality only makes it that much harder for Babbitt to accept the fact that most of his life is pretty boring.

Quote #8

"The thing that worries me is that a lot of these guys will take to cocaine." (8.2.79)

At the social club, one of Babbitt's buddies says that he's worried about prohibition in the United States because he thinks it'll just make people turn to harder drugs like cocaine. After all, you can't expect a huge number of people to suddenly stop wanting to numb their brains.

Quote #9

But the cocktails waned, the seekers dropped back into cautious reality. (8.2.100)

Everything seems fun at the Babbitts' party as long as there's alcohol floating around. But once the drinks are gone, everyone becomes more guarded about what they say. It's a sad commentary on how people have a tough time opening up to one another without alcohol.