Society and Class Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It is not proper for a lady to be out alone after dark and worse to cavort with the servants. (9.33)

Note the verb choice here. We doubt Jane would be accused of "cavorting" if she were socializing with the gentleman as opposed to the servants.

Quote #8

Jane asked a maid to bring in tea (and felt pretty cool being the lady of the house for a moment). (10.52)

It seems the whole "invisible servant class" thing isn't that troubling to Jane when they're serving her.

Quote #9

I wanted to make sure you knew that even though you are not our Ideal Client, we still made every arrangement possible for your comfort and entertainment. (19.62)

Once again, Mrs. Wattlesbrook steps in to bookend the novel with a little bit of the social criticism that Jane Austen excelled at. Ol' Wattles thinks that she can do whatever she want to Jane without any repercussions. We're glad Jane shows her up in the end.