Love Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, every day of my life. (2.75)

Molly's declaration is either a sign of true love for her husband (and vice versa) or the perfect tagline for a Secret deodorant commercial. You decide.

Quote #5

Tonight, Jane had been kissed. Tonight she thought, Mr. Darcy who? (6.101)

This line is immediately preceded by Jane labeling her make-out sesh with Martin as "a harmless fling!" But she only tosses her lifelong love of Mr. Darcy out the window, in order to replace him with this new object of her obsession... er, affection.

Quote #6

Movie actors fall in love with each other on the set all the time. Is it so outlandish to suppose it might happen to me? (16.11)

Jane waffles back and forth between wanting true, life-changing love and wanting to have some fun, role-playin' flings at Austenland. Maybe she keeps changing her mind because it's so difficult to tell the difference between the real deal and (good) actors' chemistry. After all, so many of those actors who fall in love on the set don't stay together.