Lies and Deceit Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The "kerosene" lamp by her bed had a flame-shaped lightbulb and was plugged into an outlet. (4.26)

Austenland was built to deceive. It's a modern-day estate meant to serve as a portal into the past. But, like the actors who occasionally break character, Pembrook Park can't always keep its act together.

Quote #5

And by the way, I'm twenty-two." (4.43)

This line, coming from Miss Charming's fifty-five-year-old mouth, has to be the biggest lie in the book. She has no problem role-playing with a straight face. Which we think is pretty impressive, because unless you're Demi Moore, no one's going to believe that fifty-year-old skin is, in fact, just a couple decades young.

Quote #6

I'm quite certain that Miss Charming, still in the bloom of her youth, is several years my junior. (4.53)

Jane thinks she won't be able to get this role-playing bit down, but she's somehow able to say this about Miss Charming… who is bleached blonde and twenty years older than Jane.