Identity Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Hadn't [Nobley] seemed human for a moment, before he got all nasty and turned his back? Hadn't the fake world tumbled away? (5.74)

Jane has to ask herself these kinds of questions a lot: which aspects of Nobley's identity are genuine, and which are merely part of his Austenland act?

Quote #5

Pardon the interruption. I mistook you for someone I knew. (8.35)

No, Jane didn't mistake Mr. Nobley for Gotye. She's upset because she thought it was the man behind the character talking, but then realized Mr. Nobley was just playing a part. Maybe. We have no idea, and neither does she.

Quote #6

Was it really a laugh? No, Mr. Nobley had no sense of humor. (9.24)

Again, Jane tries to find out how much of Mr. Nobley is fake. When he laughs at her jokes, is it because Mr. Nobley is warming up to her, or the actor is warming up to her? Or maybe Mr. Nobley is just really ticklish.