Dissatisfaction Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Jane] never considered how, once inside [Austenland's] borders, she would feel like an outsider. (6.32)

This kind of disappointment is a little more difficult for Jane to deal with than the electric lanterns. Being odd-woman-out in an environment that thrives on social interaction is a lot harder to ignore than historical inaccuracy. And how can an Austen-lover as dedicated as Jane feel like an outsider at Austenland? That'd be like saying you don't belong here at Shmoop, Shmoopers.

Quote #8

She felt as though she belonged inside the aloneness. [...] "I've never felt at home with myself." (9.45)

Jane seems to be realizing that her dissatisfaction with all her relationships stems from being uncomfortable with herself. In the words of a great philosopher: If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?

Quote #9

I was promised certain things about this place and I can tell you one thing—no one's made me feel enchanting. (10.15)

Miss Charming is Miss Disappointed here. But a quick call to Mrs. Wattlesbrook, and she becomes Little Miss Ooh! She fell in love.