Competition Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Clever girl, thought Jane, saluting her with two fingers. Touché, Miss Charming. (11.69)

At this point, Jane is so deep into the game, that she feels a bit comfortable congratulating her opponents when they do a good job. Only to herself, of course. It wouldn't be ladylike to do a high five or a girl chest bump. Bing!

Quote #8

Quote #9

Then, like a bumbling fool, Mr. Nobley kept letting his horse trot forward, separating Jane and Captain East. (14.16)

Jane seems oblivious to the fact that the men are competing too. Nobley's "bumbling" horsemanship is actually a shrewd way to cut in on Jane and a rival suitor.