Atreus and Thyestes Resources


Thyestes Take a Bow

Check out this review for this brutal, bloody play.

Movie or TV Productions


This movie version of Shakespeare's (Atreus and Thyestes inspired) Titus Andronicus, directed by Julie Taymor, is a not-to-miss classic.

Thyestes on TV

Check out this 1966 TV movie version of the play by Seneca—horror guaranteed.


Thyestes Takes a Bow...Again

This tragedy by the Roman playwright, Seneca, is thought by some to be the grisliest out of all the Greek and Roman plays. (Trust us, that's a hard title to win.)

Churchill Does Seneca

Major British playwright puts her own stamp on Seneca's Thyestes in this modernized classic.

Titus Andronicus

This gruesome tragedy by Billy Shakespeare (yeah, we call him Billy) is inspired by Atreus and Thyestes.