As You Like It Rosalind (Ganymede) Quotes

ROSALIND [as Ganymede to Orlando]
Come, woo me,
woo me, for now I am in a holiday humor and like
enough to consent. What would you say to me now,
an I were your very, very Rosalind?
I would kiss before I spoke. (4.1.72-76)

That Rosalind sure is a clever girl.  Disguised as "Ganymede," Rosalind offers to help her crush Orlando practice his moves.  Orlando takes up the offer—he pretends that "Ganymede" is Rosalind and woos "him." It's a little confusing, we know.  Still, as critic Katharine Eisaman Maus points out, here, Orlando and Rosalind indulge in an "elaborate game of 'Let's pretend.'"  By playing make-believe, Orlando and Rosalind can indulge in their fantasies without any consequences. They even have a pretend wedding—how sweet!  

We also want to point out that Orlando's enthusiastic willingness to woo "Ganymede" raises the question of whether or not Orlando is attracted to "Ganymede." We never really know for sure, but Shakespeare definitely wants us to think about it.

Men have died from time to time, and worms have
eaten them, but not for love. (4.1.112-113)

Rosalind is a big, big fan of being in love, but she's also got a really good head on her shoulders, which makes her different than all the other foolish lovers in the play.  When sappy Orlando declares that he'll just "die" if Rosalind doesn't love him, she quickly points out that he's being melodramatic.  Here, she's also rejecting the silly pose of the Petrarchan mistress.  (See Quote #10 above for more on this.)  

From henceforth I will, coz, and devise
sports. Let me see—what think you of falling in
        Marry, I prithee, do, to make sport withal; but
love no man in good earnest, nor no further in
sport neither than with safety of a pure blush thou
mayst in honor come off again. (1.2.23-29)

From the play's very beginning, love is associated with foolishness and folly. Here, Rosalind and Celia think of "falling in love" as nothing more than an amusing "sport" that will help pass the time.