As You Like It Jaques Quotes

Jaques > Orlando

Quote 4

The worst fault you have is to be in love.
'Tis a fault I will not change for your best
virtue. I am weary of you.
By my troth, I was seeking for a fool when I
found you.
He is drowned in the brook. Brook but in, and
you shall see him.
There I shall see mine own figure.
Which I take to be either a fool or a cipher. (3.2.286-294)

Jaques bags on Orlando for being in love, but Jaques is no match for Orlando's quick wit. Here, Orlando tricks Jaques into admitting that he's a fool. 


Quote 5

I'll give you a verse to this note that I made
yesterday in despite of my invention.
And I'll sing it.
Thus it goes:
  If it do come to pass
  That any man turn ass,
  Leaving his wealth and ease
  A stubborn will to please,
Ducdame, ducdame, ducdame;
     Here shall he see
     Gross fools as he,
An if he will come to me.

Jaques points out the failings of the pastoral ideal. Still, he notes that anyone who came to seek this ideal in the forest would find him there, too. 


Quote 6

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. (2.7.146-150)

Hmm. Didn't the Duke just finish saying something very similar?  (See Quote #1 above.) Although we've heard this before, Jaques makes a valid point—the world is often like a stage and Shakespeare likes to remind us of the theatrical nature of life. Here, Shakespeare also reminds us that we are in fact watching a play, which involves a bunch of actors "with their exits and their entrances." Check out "Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory" if you want to know more about this speech.