As You Like It Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line). Line numbers correspond to The Norton Shakespeare, second edition, published in 2008.

Quote #7

Do you not know I am a woman? When I
think, I must speak. (3.2.253-254)

Ugh. Do things ever change? More fairly, is this statement a reasonable characterization of women?

Quote #8

You have simply misused our sex in your love-prate.
We must have your doublet and hose plucked
over your head, and show the world what the bird
hath done to her own nest. (4.1.214-217)

Celia calls Rosalind out on how abusive she has been toward her own gender. Rosalind (as Ganymede) seems comfortable making these statements that play up stereotypes of women. Is this because she knows all these stereotypes are untrue, or because she really believes that women are as silly as Ganymede has made them out to be? You decide.

Quote #9

Be of good cheer,
youth. You a man? You lack a man's heart.
ROSALIND [as Ganymede]
I do so, I confess it. Ah,
sirrah, a body would think this was well-counterfeited.
I pray you tell your brother how well I
counterfeited. Heigh-ho!
OLIVER [helping Rosalind to rise]
This was not counterfeit; there is too great
testimony in your complexion that it was a passion
of earnest.
ROSALIND [as Ganymede]
Counterfeit, I assure you.
Well then, take a good heart and counterfeit to
be a man.
ROSALIND [as Ganymede]
So I do; but, i' faith, I should
have been a woman by right. (4.3.12)

When Rosalind faints at the sight of Orlando's blood on a handkerchief, she seems to fit the role of the stereotypical woman.  This prompts Oliver to order "Ganymede" to buck up and act like a man.