As You Like It Celia (Aliena) Quotes

Celia (Aliena)

Quote 4

You have simply misused our sex in your love-prate.
We must have your doublet and hose plucked
over your head, and show the world what the bird
hath done to her own nest. (4.1.214-217)

Celia calls Rosalind out on how abusive she has been toward her own gender. Rosalind (as Ganymede) seems comfortable making these statements that play up stereotypes of women. Is this because she knows all these stereotypes are untrue, or because she really believes that women are as silly as Ganymede has made them out to be? You decide.

Didst thou hear these verses?
O, yes, I heard them all, and more too, for
some of them had in them more feet than the verses
would bear.
That's no matter: the feet might bear the verses.
Ay, but the feet were lame and could not
bear themselves without the verse and therefore
stood lamely in the verse. (3.2.166-173)

When Celia and Rosalind talk about Orlando's poetry, it sounds as if they're talking about a "lame" show pony that's been prancing around on injured feet at the Rose Parade. What's up with that? Well, the joke is that Orlando doesn't have a very good ear for meter (a poem's rhythm). Since the most basic unit of rhythm in a poem is referred to as a "foot," it's easy for Ros and Celia to compare the lousy rhythm of Orlando's "verses" to a creature that hobbles around on lame feet.

Shakespeare the poet/playwright just can't resist cracking these kinds of jokes. You want an example? Fine. In Sonnet 89, the speaker of the poem says to his young friend "Speak of my lameness, and I straight will halt," which can be read as "If you bag on the lame/limp meter of my poetry, I'll stop writing poems to you."

Celia (Aliena)

Quote 6

Something that hath a reference to my state:
No longer Celia, but Aliena. (1.3.134-135)

Both of Rosalind's transformations are made out of need—she needs to leave the comfort of the court, and she must dress as a man to protect Celia and herself on their travels to Arden. Celia's transformation, by contrast, is entirely of her own choosing. She chooses to be alienated from her home, and later claims that she goes not to banishment, but liberation. It is clear Celia does not take this as seriously as Rosalind.