Around the World in Eighty Days Money Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"My gas-burner, which I forgot to turn off, and which is at this moment burning—at my expense." (8.12)

Okay, so Phileas has tons of money and Passepartout makes a relatively small mistake: He forgets to turn off the gas before they hastily depart to travel around the world. Who's going to pay for this? Why Passepartout, of course. Phileas opts to go the teach-him-a-lesson route.

Quote #8

"As for the money, Heaven grant there may be some left! But the fellow has already spent in travelling rewards, trials, bail, elephants, and all sorts of charges, more than five thousand pounds. Yet after all, the Bank is rich." (24.15)

Poor Detective Fix won't get much of the reward money if Phileas Fogg spends it all on his trip around the world. Luckily for Fix, even though Fogg is innocent and Fix is a thorn in his side, Fogg winds up sharing his winnings with the detective anyway.

Quote #9

"Up to this time money had smoothed away every obstacle. Now money failed." (32.10)

Maybe it's really true that money can't solve all your problems. When Phileas Fogg gets in a pickle, it's usually time to bust out the green. But Captain Andrew Speedy won't take dollar bills for an answer, so now it's up to Phileas Fogg to devise something sneaky.