Around the World in Eighty Days Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

In the way the strange gentleman was going on, he would leave the world without having done any good to himself or anybody else. (11.2)

Sir Francis Cromarty is worried about Phileas Fogg. When Fogg kicks the bucket, will he have ever experienced any happiness? At the rate Fogg is zipping along, caring about nothing, Sir Francis thinks perhaps not.

Quote #5

He was passing methodically in his orbit around the world, regardless of the lesser stars which gravitated around him. (17.20)

If Phileas Fogg is an orbital moon, it might be good for him to be a bit more down to earth once in a while. He's missing out on what's happening here on his own planet, the one he's tripping on.

Quote #6

At the fifty-seventh second the door of the saloon opened; and the pendulum had not beat the sixtieth second when Phileas Fogg appeared, followed by an excited crowd who had forced their way through the club doors, and in his calm voice, said, "Here I am, gentlemen!" (36.11)

Phileas Fogg has won and there is much rejoicing. But what is Phileas most happy about? He certainly doesn't need the money…