Anthem Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Still, without reason, as we stood there by the hedge, we felt our lips drawn tight with hatred, a sudden hatred for all our brother men. And the Golden One saw it and smiled slowly, and there was in their smile the first sadness we had seen in them. (2.36)

Equality 7-2521's love for Liberty 5-3000 is so powerful that it threatens to turn him against everyone else in his society. He realizes that any one of them could possess her physically (because of the way breeding is controlled), and he's jealous. He wants to have her only for himself. The thought that anyone could have her makes him hate everyone.

Quote #5

We must bring it into the sight of all men. We need all our time, we need the work rooms of the Home of the Scholars, we want the help of our brother Scholars and their wisdom joined to ours. There is so much work ahead for all of us, for all the Scholars of the world. (5.7)

Even after Equality 7-2521 has broken a whole bunch of laws and started to commit Transgressions of Preference left and right, he still feels a certain strong sense of loyalty to his society. He still wants to help "his brother men," by sharing with them the product of his own labors. Although he's beginning to discover his individuality, he wants to put that very individuality to the service of society.

Quote #6

"We matter not, nor our transgression. It is only our brother men who matter. Give no thought to us, for we are nothing, but listen to our words, for we bring you a gift such as has never been brought to men. Listen to us, for we hold the future of mankind in our hands." (7.12)

Equality 7-2521 recognizes that he may be punished horribly, but he doesn't seem to care. He cares much more about his invention (the light), and using it to help "his brothers." He's still quite loyal to the members of society, in other words, even though he clearly no longer agrees with how society is managed.