Angela's Ashes Patriotism and Nationalism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

[S]he says 'twould break your heart to think of what the English did to us, that if they didn't put the blight on the potato they didn't do much to take it off. No pity. No feeling at all for the people that died in this very ward, children suffering and dying here while the English feasted on roast beef and guzzled the best of wine in their big houses, little children with their mouths all green from trying to eat the grass in the fields beyond, God bless us and save us and guard us from future famines. (8.98)

This passage shows the anger and resentment that the Irish hold in their hearts against the English. After years of persecution at the hands of the English, is it fair to say that the Irish are now defined by what was done to them – that they have the mentality of a victim? What does a victim mentality accomplish?