Angela's Ashes Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Dad says a factory is no place for a woman.

Mam says, Sitting on your arse by the fire is no place for a man. (9.12-13)

In this passage Angela really puts Malachy Sr. in his place. Angela has her pride, but she's not going to let it keep her from helping her family. Her husband rationalizes his laziness and does nothing. In the U.S., World War II upended a lot of traditional labor patterns, as women did go to work in factories to replace their husbands who went to war.

Quote #11

Eamon says, 'Tis what my father says about men who don't drink, they're not to be trusted. Peter says if you find a man that won't drink or smoke that's a man that's not even interested in girls and you'd want to keep your hand over the hole of your arse, that's what you'd want to be doing. (17.77)

According to Eamon, a man who doesn't follow the unspoken rules of masculinity is probably a homosexual. So what are the unspoken rules? For starters, you gotta drink and smoke. In 1930s Ireland, fear of being labeled a homosexual was probably a pretty powerful incentive to follow these simplistic rules about masculinity.