And Then There Were None Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Self-righteous smug old hypocrite. Sitting up in court feeling like God Almighty. He’d got his all right… No more being careful for him. (14.100)

The other characters may listen to Justice Wargrave because he’s all judicial and authoritative, but that doesn’t mean they like him. In fact, when he “dies,” they’re relieved to be free of all his judgment.

Quote #8

“I read this story once—about two judges that came to a small American town—from the Supreme Court. They administered justice—Absolute Justice. Because—they didn’t come from this world at all…” (15.170)

After a few deaths, people start coming up with some really wacky ideas. Here, Vera almost seems to be suggesting that they’re getting their just deserts from someone who’s not even there, like a heavenly visitor or the forces of the universe. Or aliens.

Quote #9

The order of death upon the island had been subjected by me to special thought and care. There were, I considered, amongst my guests, varying degrees of guilt. Those whose guilt was the lightest should, I decided, pass out first, and not suffer the prolonged mental strain and fear that the more cold-blooded offenders were to suffer. (E.162)

For Wargrave, justice isn’t just about killing off his victims. Justice is making sure that the people who did really bad things (like Vera and Lombard) suffer the most and have to live to see everyone else die. Because justice!