And Then There Were None Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

How very quiet the house was. And yet—it didn’t seem like an empty house…

Hugo, upstairs, waiting for her… (16.119-120)

Vera manages to hold it together right until she’s alone, when all her demons finally come out. And this time there is no one around to stop her from giving in to them.

Quote #8

It’s over a mile to the coast and there were heavy seas and big breakers inshore. And there were a lot of people, boy scouts and others on the cliffs looking out towards the island and watching. (E.42)

Clever, clever. When he picked the site for his master plan, Wargrave made sure that Soldier Island was isolated and unreachable so that police couldn’t assume that someone just left the island after killing everyone. Remember, we’re talking perfect crime: it had to be more mysterious than that.

Quote #9

And now came the moment that I had anticipated—three people who were so frightened of each other that anything might happen—and one of them had a revolver. (E.185)

Lombard, Blore, and Vera are all properly horrified by the increasing isolation of the island, but it’s all fun and games to Wargrave. That’s pretty sick, dude.