And Then There Were None Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“What did you feel like when you knew she’d done that? Weren’t you sorry? Didn’t you blame yourself?”

Emily Brent drew herself up.

"I? I had nothing with which to reproach myself.” (7.67)

When Vera asks if Emily Brent feels guilty about the servant girl’s death—like just about anybody else would be—Emily can barely comprehend the question. Guilt? What’s that? Just like Christian charity or mercy, it’s not something Miss Brent is going to mess with.

Quote #5

“But it does come! The blessed relief when you know that you’ve done with it all—that you haven’t got to carry the burden any longer. You’ll feel that too, someday…” (8.116)

Macarthur may sound kooky, but he’s the only person on the island who’s accepted his fate. For an odd and possibly addled old man, he’s got a pretty strong grasp on reality.

Quote #6

“Miss Claythorne was wonderful—kept her head—started off swimming after Cyril at once.” (11.140)

Part of Vera’s guilt lies in the fact that no one ever questioned whether or not she was guilty for Cyril’s death. In fact, she was praised afterwards and thanked for being levelheaded. Come on, would you confess if everyone was calling you a hero?