And Then There Were None Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

That was the beginning of the whole thing. I suddenly saw my way clear. And I determined to commit not one murder, but murder on a grand scale. (E.144)

Justice Wargrave isn’t the kind of man who will be satisfied with small and unimpressive murders. Oh, no. If he’s going to commit a murder (or two, or three, or ten), he’s going to do it right. It’s nice to see someone with a real work ethic these days.

Quote #11

“I’ve known a murderess—known her, I tell you. And what’s more I was crazy about her… god help me, sometimes I think I still am… It’s hell, I tell you—hell. You see, she did it more or less for me… Not that I ever dreamed… Women are fiends—absolute fiends—you wouldn’t think a girl like that—a nice straight jolly girl—you wouldn’t think she’d do that, would you?” (E.151)

Sometimes it’s not so easy to tell if someone is a murderess or a “nice straight jolly girl.” Hugo sure can’t tell. He loved her—maybe still does—but he can’t reconcile the Vera he loved with the one who let Cyril drown.