And Then There Were None Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

“From now on, it is our task to suspect each and everyone amongst us. Forewarned is forearmed. Take no risks and be alert to danger. That is all.” (9.366)

By playing off of fear and suspicion, Wargrave gleefully manages to pit all the characters against each other. Since everyone has a shady past anyway, it’s not too hard.

Quote #8

I must say that I watched the faces of my guests closely during the indictment and I had no doubt whatever, after my long court experience, that one and all were guilty. (E.165)

The judge has spoken: all those at Soldier Island are definitely guilty. It’s just like when he held court, only this time it’s on an isolated island and totally crazy.

Quote #9

One: the police are perfectly aware that Edward Seton was guilty. (E.196)

Even though he’s a sadistic murderer, Wargrave still acts like a respectable judge. He only convicts people who he knows to be actually guilty, which is why he sent Edward Seton to his death and why he’s about to kill nine other people.