American Born Chinese Humility Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #4


The Monkey King finally meets Tze-Yo-Tzuh, and it's not pretty. Even though Tze-Yo-Tzuh clearly shows his omnipotence to Monkey, Monkey's a stubborn one who isn't into submitting at all, which is why Tze-Yo-Tzuh has to forcibly flatten him with a mountain of rock. But even though Monkey is humiliated, he isn't really humbled—even Tze-Yo-Tzuh's power has its limits.

Quote #5


This is just a brief moment in a larger scene, but it's pretty telling about how power works. Timmy makes a comment that's meant to humiliate Amelia, but Greg sticks up for Amelia. How does he do it though? By turning Timmy's joke back on himself and humiliating Timmy even more. So sure it's cool that Greg's able to defend Amelia, but he does it only by being a bully too.

Quote #6


We'll just point out the obvious: Chin-Kee is clearly not the humble type. He has no issues showing off… But there's something a little admirable about that. His glee is the complete opposite of Danny's humiliated self because Chin-Kee isn't afraid to be who he is. Danny on the other hand? He's kind of a coward.