American Born Chinese Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #4


Okay—we know this isn't the most important panel. All it shows is the Monkey King telling one of his subjects that the shoes on his ears actually belong on his feet. But it brings up two things: (1) the Monkey King's rigidity, and (2) the silliness of the Monkey King's request. Why should it matter where the little monkey wears his shoes? Monkeys don't wear shoes.

Quote #5


This is one of those moments when you can tell the author's making a subtle political statement. The biology teacher introduces the class to a couple of animals that have been donated by Babelene Cosmetics, Inc. The animals have makeup on them—a clear reference to the makeup industry's use of animals for product experimentation. Plus, Mabel—the daughter of the company's exec—happens to be a student in Mr. Graham's class… and what does she look like? Completely ridiculous, with Botoxed, lipsticked lips and tacky eye makeup. Here's a wild guess: we don't think Yang's exactly in favor of the makeup industry…

Quote #6


Jin can't stop obsessing over the possibility that Amelia might like blond, curly-haired Greg, so what does he do? He changes his hairstyle and goes to school the next day with curly hair just like Greg's (only not blond). The effect? Totally ridiculous of course. But we're not laughing—it's kind of a sad moment because it's so clear that Jin's trying to be someone he's not.