Alone (Poe) Isolation Quotes

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Quote #4

I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone; (6-7)

That phrase "could not awaken" is really troublesome. For a brief second, we think the speaker is either dead or permanently asleep because the line ends—yikes. This suggests that isolation is eerily similar to death, or being really, really, sleepy.

Quote #5

And all I loved, I loved alone (9)

Major alliteration going on here, that's for sure. And of course, this is the central moment of the poem, where "alone" is redefined. It's not just a case of "Oh, I'm all alone and in love by myself." It's also "I alone am the only one who loves." So, at least the speaker has that going for him.

Quote #6

And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view. (20-22)

A cloud that takes the form of a demon? This is classic Poe. It's also a sign of how the speaker's isolation has affected him. Part of the reason, perhaps, that the cloud takes the form of the demon is because the speaker is already feeling pretty bummed about everything.