Sacrifice Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"If sacrifice is the ultimate way for that person to show you that they love, you should let them do it." (41.39)

This is the Abnegation way, which gets discussed a lot in Chapter 41 and factors into Tris's ultimate decision to sacrifice herself. Had she been raised by a different faction, do you think she still would have sacrificed herself?

Quote #8

The Abnegation say you should only let someone sacrifice himself for you if it's the ultimate way for them to show they love you. And for Caleb, that's not what this is. (45.49-45.50)

Caleb doesn't want to sacrifice himself to show that he loves Tris. He wants to sacrifice himself so that she will forgive him. Is that the same thing? If not, how is it different? Is one reason better than the other, as Tris thinks?

Quote #9

If I go to join my parents, I want to carry with me a good reason, not this—this senseless collapsing at the threshold. (49.12)

Tris's need to die a noble death drives her in her last moments. Even though she's been shot by David, she keeps going by sheer force of will until she succeeds at her goal and can die a hero.