Injustice Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I want to expose [the Bureau] for what they are," Tris says. (33.61)

Tris is kind of like a whistleblower trying to bring down an evil corporation. Except in this case, the corporation is the government. Do you think 60 Minutes is still on the air to cover this?

Quote #8

"Still don't think genetic damage is to blame for any of these troubles?" […] "No," I say. "I don't." I have better people to blame. (34.83, 34.85-34.86)

To Tris, the injustice doesn't come from the genetic factor; it comes from the fact that people are being forced to live in filth and poverty. That, she thinks, is what's causing society to be dysfunctional. She feels that she needs to convince people to ignore the genetic stuff and focus on that. Do you think these issues are relevant to us today?

Quote #9

[Mom] spent her entire life trying to help the factionless. (34.101)

Tris's mom basically gets canonized as the patron saint of Chicago in Allegiant. Do you believe that she did everything selflessly to combat injustice? Or did she have other motives?