Alien Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Alien.

Quote #7

MOTHER: The option to override detonation procedure has now expired.

RIPLEY: Mother, turn the cooling unit back on! Mother!

MOTHER: The ship will automatically destruct in T-minus five minutes.

RIPLEY: You b****!

Talk about a refrigerator mother: despite her name, Mother is obviously a bit cold-hearted. She might take care of the crew, but she certainly doesn't care about them. That does not compute.

Quote #8

RIPLEY: You… Are my lucky star… You, you're my lucky star. You are my lucky star. Oh, God!

By the movie's end, Ripley has returned things to "normal" by asserting mankind's technological dominance over nature. She uses the tools of a space suit, a grappling hook, and a space ship engine to blast the creature into space, where we assume it dies. It is dead, right? Right??