Alien Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Alien.

Quote #4

RIPLEY: What is the last thing you do remember?

KANE: I remember some horrible dream about smothering, and…. Anyway, where are we?

It's easy to see what happens to Kane as a type of terrifying intergalactic rape. Here, we see Kane suppressing the memories, trying minimizing the fear by not dwelling on the incident.

Quote #5

LAMBERT: No, not that way. The other way, Dallas!

When Dallas enters the air ducts, every character reacts to fear in different ways: from Ripley's calm inward worry to Lambert's extroverted hysterics, Parker's fiery anger to Dallas's cool demeanor melting away. In one scene, we can view the myriad ways fear can affect various people.

Us? We'd probably be cowering behind Lambert.

Quote #6

ASH: There is an explanation for this, you know.

RIPLEY: There is? I don't want to hear your goddamn explanation! I don't want to hear. I don't want to hear. I…

We've talked a lot about the fear of the unknown, but here fear is found in the truth. Ripley put her well-being in the Company's hands, and it instead used her life as a down payment for a potential bio-weapon. The known can be just as a terrifying thing to encounter in Alien as the unknown.