Agamemnon Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). We used Christopher Collard's translation.

Quote #10

(Aegisthus): "Justice brought me back again. I laid my hands on this man from outside, fitting together every device of ill intent. So even death is well for me too, now I have seen this man in Justice's toils. (Chorus): "Aegisthus, I have no respect for arrogance amid others' disaster. Are you saying that you killed this man deliberately, and that you alone planned this pitiable murder? I tell you that in the court of justice you will not escape the people's curse, for stones to be hurled at your head; be sure of it!" (1607-1616)

Aegisthus claims that Justice sent him, but his description of that process sounds a little bit more like revenge. Are justice and revenge incompatible? The Chorus clearly thinks that Aegisthus acted unjustly, when it predicts he will be stoned to death by the people.