Agamemnon Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). We used Christopher Collard's translation.

Quote #10

(Aegisthus): "Well, since you think to act and speak like this, you shall soon learn!
(Chorus): "Come on then, our band of friends! The action here is not far off!"
(Aesgisthus): "Come on then: every man have his sword ready, hilt to hand!"
(Chorus): "Look, my hilt is to hand as well, and I do not refuse to die!"
(Aegisthus): "You die? We accept the omen of your words, we choose this outcome!" (1649-1653)

This scene from the end of the play shows how fear does not have absolute control over how people act. At time of extreme emotion or anger, they can act without fear – just as here both the Chorus members and Aegisthus claim that they are not afraid to die. In the end, of course, they do not end up fighting each other. Based on your interpretation of this last scene, do you think they ended up not fighting each other because they were afraid, or for some other reason?