Adonais Man and the Natural World Quotes

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Quote #4

The airs and streams renew their joyous tone;
The ants, the bees, the swallows reappear; (156-157)

To the speaker, the renewal of life in the spring seems to give the air and streams a "joyous" feeling. This imagery of bubbling streams, bugs, and birds shows that life is beginning again after a hard winter.

Quote #5

Through wood and stream and field and hill and Ocean
A quickening life from the Earth's heart has burst
As it has ever done, with change and motion (163-165)

In the poem, nature is always moving, changing, and renewing itself. It's full of life, says Shelley, and it always will be. He emphasizes the natural world's eternal nature frequently in the poem to remind readers that death is just part of the cycle.