Adam Bede Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Didst find him greatly altered?" said Dinah.

"Why, he's altered and yet not altered. I should ha' known him anywhere. But his colour's changed, and he looks sadly. However, the doctors say he'll soon be set right in his own country air. He's all sound in th' inside; it's only the fever shattered him so. But he speaks just the same, and smiles at me just as he did when he was a lad. It's wonderful how he's always had just the same sort o' look when he smiles."

"I've never seen him smile, poor young man," said Dinah. (Epilogue.20-22)

Here, Adam tells Dinah of his meeting with Arthur, who has just gotten back from abroad. On the plus side, Arthur still has many vestiges of his former self. But on the minus side, these vestiges make Arthur's profound changes in mood and demeanor stand out in a stark, tragic manner. Do the pros or cons win out here, folks?