Adam Bede Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Behind this last couple came Mr. Irwine, glad at heart over this good morning's work of joining Adam and Dinah. For he had seen Adam in the worst moments of his sorrow; and what better harvest from that painful seed-time could there be than this? The love that had brought hope and comfort in the hour of despair, the love that had found its way to the dark prison cell and to poor Hetty's darker soul—this strong gentle love was to be Adam's companion and helper till death. (55.7)

Dinah's love for Adam is not a mere matter of romantic attraction, though it sure could be. How often do you see a guy as handsome as Adam? Instead, the spirit of compassion and hope that has guided her in other, totally non-romantic circumstances will guide her now as a married woman.