Education Quotes in A Thousand Splendid Suns

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"He's going to ask for my hand, Laila! Maybe as early as this summer." [...] "What about school?" Laila had asked. Giti had tilted her head and given her a We both know better look. (2.23.60)

Laila is dedicated to her schooling, but most of her female friends aren't. That might be due to societal pressure, or it might just be due to the realities of family life. Either way, the deck is stacked against girls who want to get an education.

Quote #8

The streets became so unsafe that Babi did an unthinkable thing: He had Laila drop out of school. (2.24.32)

Of course, the growing war between the Mujahideen has a big impact on the education system. The war doesn't only affect girls who want to go to school—it affects everyone. How can a country be expected to recover if its children can't get an education?

Quote #9

Girls are forbidden from attending school. All schools for girls will be closed immediately. (3.38.45)

One of the Taliban's first decrees is to ban girls from going to school. With one simple edict, the Taliban prevents an entire generation of girls from becoming educated and empowered. This allows the Taliban to remain firmly in power without having to worry about a women's uprising.