A Raisin in the Sun Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #10

RUTH (Passionately and suddenly)
Oh, Walter – ain’t you with nobody!
WALTER (Violently)
No! ‘Cause ain’t nobody with me! Not even my own mother! (2.1.86-7)

Walter feels betrayed by his family when they do not adopt his enthusiasm for the liquor store idea. He desperately wants their respect and support, and he goes crazy when they won't give it to him.

Quote #11

Oh, Walter…(Softly) Honey, why can’t you stop fighting me?
WALTER (Without thinking)
Who’s fighting you? Who even cares about you? (2.1.115-6)

Wow, this is a pretty harsh thing for Walter to say to his wife. Things have gotten pretty bad here for sure. It looks like Walter and Ruth's marriage just may have fallen victim to Walter's quest for self-importance.

Quote #12

Lord, that man – don’t changed so ‘round here. You know – you know what we did last night? Me and Walter Lee?…(Smiling to herself) We went to the movies. (Looking at BENEATHA to see if she understands)
We went to the movies. You know the last time me and Walter went to the movies together?
Me neither. That’s how long it been. (Smiling again) But we went last night. The picture wasn’t much good, but that didn’t seem to matter. We went – and we held hands. (2.3.15-7)

Hurrah, there's hope for Ruth and Walter's marriage again! Once Walter has control over money, he becomes much more affectionate with Ruth. At this point in the play, it looks like the Younger family might just be back on track.