A Raisin in the Sun Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #7

ASAGAI (Coming into the room)
You look disturbed too…Is something wrong?
BENEATHA (Still at the door, absently)
Yes…we’ve all got acute ghetto-it is. (She smiles and comes toward him, finding a cigarette and sitting) (1.2.74-5)

The Younger family's dissatisfaction with their surroundings ripples into other parts of their lives.

Quote #8

You ain’t looked at it and you don’t aim to have to speak on that again? You ain’t even looked at it and you have decided – (Crumpling his papers) Well, you tell that to my boy tonight when you put him to sleep on the living-room couch…(Turning to MAMA and speaking directly to her) Yeah – and tell it to my wife, Mama, tomorrow when she has to go out of here to look after somebody else’s kids. And tell it to me, Mama, every time we need a new pair of curtains and I have to watch you go out and work in somebody’s kitchen. Yeah, you tell me then! (1.2.191)

Walter is unhappy that his mother won't even give his idea a chance. He is dissatisfied with the amount of hard work the family has to do in order to make ends meet and feels like he ought to be able to make things easier for them.

Quote #9

A job. (Looks at her) Mama, a job? I open and close car doors all day long. I drive a man around in his limousine and I say, "yes, sir; no, sir; very good, sir; shall I take the Drive, sir?" Mama, that ain’t no kind of job…that ain’t nothing at all. (Very quietly) Mama, I don’t know if I can make you understand. (1.2.224)

Walter is not only unsatisfied but also embarrassed with his job. He is ashamed to have to suck up to his boss all day. More than anything, Walter wants to be his own boss.