A Great and Terrible Beauty Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Pippa touches a finger to a leaf. It curls in on itself, melts, re-forms as a butterfly and drifts heavenward. "Oh, it's all so beautiful."

"Extraordinary," Ann says.

Blossoms rain down, melt into our hair like fat snowflakes. They make our hair shine. We sparkle. Felicity twirls round and round, overcome by happiness. (22.42-44)

This supernatural world is a sensory overload, filled with colors, smells, and feelings. It is almost overwhelming… But one thing they all agree on is that it is real.

Quote #8

"I wish I could stay here forever."

"Well, you can't," I tell her.

"Why not?" Ann asks, coming up behind me. […]

"Because this is not a place to stay," I answer defensively. "It's a place of dreams."

"What if I choose the dream instead?" Pippa says. […]

"What if I refuse to bring you here next time?" (25.97-102)

Suddenly Gemma realizes how alluring and attractive magic is. Her friends want more and more, but Gemma is beginning to see how it might affect them in their own lives, in the real world. In this way, the magic is like a drug, and can be addictive and dangerous.

Quote #9

The rhythm of our hearts beating in unison, like the thundering of horses trampling across winter-bleached fields, hope thumping freedom inside us. […] I can't absorb it. It could break me. I need to tear away but I can't.

And then the world falls away. (28.23-24)

This is Gemma's big mistake, the one that opens the realms to corruption and lets Circe's creature inside. The runes hold all the magic of the realms and Gemma sucks some of it out when she touches one.