A Great and Terrible Beauty Secrets Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"[…] I think we're going to be great friends, Gemma."

"Would we still be friends if I didn't hold a secret over your head?" I ask.

"Don't friends always share secrets?" (10.68-70)

Do they? Should they? What about Gemma's question?

Quote #5

Pippa actually embraces me. We're alive with our new secret, with the way we belong to each other and to something other than the dull passing of hours…(13.49)

It seems that sometimes secrets can uplift and tighten bonds of friendship because they make a small group of people an exclusive club. Secrets can bind people together.

Quote #6

"I'll start. O great spirits of the Order. We are your daughters. Speak to us now. Tell us your secrets." (15.75)

In this circumstance, secrets mean skills, teaching, and magical practice. Sometimes secrets aren't forbidden information riddled with mistakes and fear, but good things like knowledge and experience to pass on.